Friday, December 14, 2007


I recently wrote a fable for 5-8th graders on homelesness. The fable is called Life is Like a Zoo and talks about how animals and humans are similar. I got into depth on how animals that haved lived in zoo's for so long would have trouble adapting to the wild. I then reverted this to people and talked about homelessness. It is more or less like an informational phamplet used in a health class.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Cameron Stanzione
Analytical and Persuasive Writing

Topic: Discuss your topic for project 3. Examine the various mediums (blog, letters, fables, etc.) that you used in project 3. Define tools and ideas that you used to guide your construction of the 3 aspects of the project. Analyze the effectiveness of your texts in the project.

For topic three I focused on the issue of homelessness in the United States. For project three we set up blogs which would address the issue we were dealing with. Setting up the blog was fairly simple and was a more efficient way of doing things considering we wasted a lot of paper on some projects in the past. After setting up the blog we then gave our professor are blog address where she could view our progress throughout the project. Following that we were then instructed to view peers blogs and writes comments on their site. The first thing on the blog for our fellow peers to review would be the research paper, which we completed before the start of project three.
After that we then had to complete three letters to organizations that were either for or against the issue we were discussing. After choosing three organizations and posting them on my blog I then wrote three letters, which I sent to each organization as a hard copy and also posted on my blog for my professor and peers to view. After the completion of the letters we had one more step of the project to complete.
The final step was we had to create either a game or a fable that persisted to our topic. Not only did it have to be a game or fable it had to accommodate children ranging from fifth to eighth grade. I choose to write a fable because it seemed like the most effective way to explain homelessness to the children. after completing the fable I then posted it on my blog and it marked the completion of project three. In addition to project three I thought it made me a better writer and taught me how to properly do and explain a topic, which at first not completely sure of.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Letters to Organizations

Cameron Stanzione
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg Fl, 33711

Suffolk County United Veterans
P.O. Box 598
Patchogue, New York 11772

To whom it may concern,
I am an 18 year old student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I have recently just come upon your website and thought it was great what you are doing for are veterans. I understand that there are many homeless veterans in the United States because I see them daily on my way to school.
I recently did a research paper on homelessness in the United States and see that it is a problem that our government should be more helpful with, especially for our veterans. I believe they should do more for the homeless veterans because these were the people that helped to fight keep our country safe. I am quite pleased to see what you or doing for are veterans. I looked over your complete website and it seems that you have many good programs in order to get these veterans back on their feet.
I am a big supporter of what you guys are doing. Keep up the great work because people like you help make are country a better place to live in. Thank you for your tremendous program and please thank all the veterans you help and meet because they made it possible for me to get live in this great country.

I look forward from hearing back from you.


Cameron Stanzione

Cameron Stanzione
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg Fl, 33711

National Alliance to End Homelessness
1518 K Street NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20005

To whom it may concern,
I am an 18 year old college student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I recently looked at your website and thought it was great that you are trying to put an end to homelessness. Homelessness is a huge problem in the United States.
I recently did a research paper on homelessness and found the numerous causes of it. Finding out how most people become homeless I came to a conclusion that it is a problem that can be solved. That is why when I saw your sight I became excited to see that there is people who are trying to end homelessness.
Seeing that you are trying to end homelessness I would like to ask you what you believe would be the most effective way to slow progress of homelessness in the United States. Also I know you established a ten year plan for homelessness, but do you think the problem of homelessness can be solved in my lifetime or will it take longer?

I look forward from hearing back from you.


Cameron Stanzione

Cameron Stanzione
4200 54th Avenue South
St. Petersburg Fl, 33711

National Coalition for the Homeless
2201 P St NW
Washington, DC 20037

To whom it may concern,
I am an 18 year old student at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida. I currently stumbled upon your website and am pleased to say I believe what you are doing is special and has a huge impact on our society. Although I have gone though many websites on this issue your site has been one of the better ones.
I believe that you are very passionate in what you do for the homelessness. It is obvious because you show numerous events on your website and what everyday people can do to end homelessness. I know you believe that homelessness can be stopped in the United States but do you think that one person can make an impact on this problem or will it takes thousands of people to make an impact on this problem?
I know you run many events to educate the public on homelessness and I would like to thank you tremendously. I thank you because many people are ignorant and blind to this problem. Making people aware and helping the homeless is why your coalition stands out above the rest.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Cameron Stanzione

Homelessness Paper Project Two

Cameron Stanzione
Analytical and Persuasive Writing
Project #2


Bums, swamp the cities, raid trash cans, live in alleys and under underpasses, oh no it’s the homeless! Although it might seem funny, homelessness is definitely no joke homelessness is an obvious problem in the United States and a good portion of the whole world which is constantly overlooked. Although a very serious issue there are many misconceptions about homelessness; there is a truth behind homelessness, and there are many cities and states plagued by the epidemic of homeless people.
First of all, there are many misconceptions about the homeless. One example of this is, if they our homeless then they must be a criminal. Other examples could include that homeless people are lazy or homeless because they chose to be homeless. Although these statements may be true occasionally, for the most part they are false. These statements are mostly false because according to the book Paths to Homelessness “There is a distinction between the “Deserving homeless” and “Undeserving homeless.” (107) there are many more “Deserving homeless” than there are “Undeserving homeless.” The deserving homeless have real reasons why they are homeless, while the undeserving homeless have reasons they are homeless, but their reasons and problems arise within themselves. Although there are many stereotypes and misconceptions of the homeless there are many valid reasons why they are the way they are.

For example, a deserving homeless person is a man who has a job and goes to work every day and then all of a sudden gets laid off and no longer has a steady income. He tries to find more work but is unsuccessful and is unable to pay his bills, afford rent, or even food which leads him to the streets. On the streets he takes full advantage of the government’s insufficient shelters and tries to get back on his feet looking for work. That is a prime example of a deserving homeless person. An example of an undeserving homeless person is an eighteen year old boy who is on the streets because he decides to be rebellious to his parents and society. He takes full advantage of the shelters but complains and rebels against everything and everyone who is trying to help him get his life straight. Although the homeless can be classified into two groups, there actually a few universal truths behind homelessness.
Since there is truth behind homelessness, there are many reasons why people are homeless in the U.S. A couple of truths about homelessness are people are homeless because of the economy, due to mental illness, or due to a disease such as gambling, alcoholism, or persistent drug use. According to USA Today
“The driver in homelessness is the affordable housing crisis," Roman said. "If we don't do something to address the crisis in affordable housing we are not going to solve homelessness."She said many of the chronically homeless have mental health and substance abuse problems. Others, she said, simply cannot afford housing.”
Now more than ever it is hard for anybody to survive due to the economy. Take into consideration the fact gas prices are about $3.00 a gallon, the cost of living goes up every year, while people’s wages are stagnant. Also mental illness is a large problem especially with war

veterans from Vietnam and even the Iraq war. They have posttraumatic stress disorder which is caused from participating in. the following wars. Finally people become homeless because they have tendency to acquire bad habits which include drugs and alcohol which can be considered diseases.
Granted, homelessness is a tremendous problem in the U.S it impacts large states such as Massachusetts, Florida, and Colorado. The current population of homeless people in Massachusetts is 14,730.(USA Today) According to Momeni “its ability to retain and attract industry, urban renewal, and unprecedented urban building boom, it is in part these very factors that have contributed to the growth of Massachusetts’s homeless population.” (P.74) In Florida the current homeless population is 60,867 while in Colorado it is 21,730 according to USA Today recent survey. Florida usually ranks in the top five of all the states for homeless people, and that is because “The lack of affordable housing and residential shelters clearly stands out. Unemployment, low paying jobs, and lack of job training were causes of homelessness throughout the state”(Momeni 55). Homelessness affects major cities such as Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami. Lastly Colorado has a pretty substantial amount of homeless people due to the fact “State government has a tradition of minimal participation in federal programs.” (Momeni 34) These states and cities highlight the many loop holes in our government and there need to solve the problem of homelessness.
Surely, there are problems all throughout the world, but the problem the United States and its people, have are they are too concerned with helping other countries and people and forget about the problems that are happening right in front of them. Homelessness is an obvious

problem that needs to be addressed and solved immediately. An example of our country and it people turning a blind eye away from the problems right in front of them, our we are too concerned about other countries and other people. For example, the genocide in Darfur, although terrible, it is a problem that they have to deal with and try to eventually overcome. It may sound selfish not to help other countries and people, but it is not, due to the fact the U.S is having major problems of its own such as the war in Iraq. Also, we have other situations with North Korea and their nuclear bomb program. There is not one person alive that would not like to help bring peace to the whole world but the goal is unrealistic because all people differ and cannot come together as one to stop one problem at a time. As a result of involving the U.S in the following situations we don’t address the problems which are affecting the U.S and its citizens the most.
In conclusion homelessness is a reoccurring problem in the U.S that does not get the attention it should. There are many misconceptions about homelessness, but there are also many factors which help fuel homelessness. Due to homelessness many states and major cities are affected directly by this problem. Not only are they affected by the homeless but also are affected by the bad economy which is one practical reason why the homeless population is growing quite rapidly. Although homelessness is a major issue, it is only one of the many that the U.S needs to focus on making this a better country for the people to live in. All in all the issue of homelessness is a large issue that the United States needs to address and eventually solve, along with a list of other problems that always seem to get overlooked and tossed to the side were they eventually forget about them.

Works Cited

Timmer, Doug A., Stanley D. Eitzen, and Kathryn D. Talley. Paths to Homelessness. Boulder, Colorado: Westview P, 1994.

Hopper, Kim. Reckoning with Homelessness. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 2003.

Momeni, Jamshid A., ed. Homelessness in the United States. Vol. 1. New York: Greenwood P, 1989.
Heimberg, Richard G. "Behavior Therapy." The Sheridan Press 38 (2007).
Washington (ap). "Study: 744,000 Homeless in United States." 10 Jan. 2007. 9 Nov. 2007 .

Suffolk County United Veterans

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 598, Patchogue, New York 11772
Business Office: 38 Oak Street, Patchogue, New York 11772
Telephone: 631-924-8088
Fax: 631-654-7894

National Alliance to End Homelessness

National Alliance to End Homelessness
1518 K Street NW, Suite 410
Washington, DC 20005
(Tel) 202. 638.1526
(Fax) 202.638.4664

Monday, November 19, 2007

National Coalition for the Homeless

CONTAct us: National Coalition for the Homeless | 2201 P St NW | Washington, DC 20037 | Phone: 202.462.4822 | Fax: 202.462.4823 | Email: